Achieve 1-4 Years of Reading Improvement This Summer
Our online 1-on-1 reading tutoring program will help children and adults advance one year every 4 to 8 weeks. The Dicker Reading Method has helped over 10,000 children learn to read better, faster, with greater fluency & comprehension, in a fun, nurturing environment, where their confidence and love for reading soars!
Achieve 1-4 Years of
Reading Improvement This Winter
Our online 1-on-1 reading tutoring program will help your child advance one year every 4-8 weeks. The Dicker Reading Method has helped over 10,000 children learn to read better, faster, with greater fluency & comprehension, in a fun, nurturing aenvironment, where their confidence and love for reading soars!
Our science-based proprietary 1-on-1 reading tutoring method will change your child's mental programming from a frustrating feeling of “I can’t read” to the joy and satisfaction of “I can read.” Watch your child achieve 1 to 4 years of reading improvement this summer. Results no other program can match.
Overcome The Struggle: Achieve 3-6 years of Reading Improvement in Just One Year!
Students Advance 1 Grade Level Every 4-8 Weeks! Your Child’s Grades, Test Scores, Confidence, and Self-Esteem will Soar as they Develop a Love for Reading and School.
Imagine Your Child Mastering Any 5 NEW WORDS and Their Meanings IN ONE MINUTE...
...and then reading them fluently in a sentence, paragraph or story. With this powerful technique, Daniel, a 1st grader, learned to read fluently on a 6th grade level. We can teach your child to read like Daniel. Results no other program can match!
The Dicker Reading Method is a Powerful Transformational Reading Program
In their very first session our proprietary reading method will change your child's mental programming from the frustrating feeling of “I Can’t Read” to the joy and satisfaction of “I Can Read.” Watch Katie as she shifts from "I Can't Read" to "I Can Read."
Imagine Your 3, 4 or 5 Year Old Child Learning to Read 15-30 Words in Their Very First Session
With our powerful method, Rachel, a 3 1/2 year old, learned 40 words in her very first session and then read her first book fluently. The Dicker Reading Method can teach your child to read like Rachel. Results no other Pre-K or kindergarten program can match.
We produce results with any student at any age, grade level, or ability. At 22, Jayme was reading on a 3rd grade level and had failed out of college. Without hope, she turned to the Dicker Reading Method. Watch as Jayme accomplishes 10 YEARS of reading improvement in 10 weeks - "a miracle in the making!"
At the Dicker Reading Method Labels Don't Matter!
We produce the same results for anyone at any age and with any disability. We help students as diagnosed learning disabledincluding those with Dyslexia, ADHD and ADD. Imagine your learning disabled child becoming focused and able to concentrate in their very first session, achieving 3-6 grade levels in just one year! Results no other program can match!
We help special needs children improve their reading and comprehension and achieve their full potential!
"It's an amazing program. I just can’t believe any child or adult would be without it...It should be on Oprah...It's the answer to the United States' illiteracy problem.”